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Stubborn Old Bird

Letting go of wrong choices

Making it work whatever

We have starlings nesting in our roof. With the way the roof juts out I can see them coming and going when sitting on my bed. They are interesting to watch with their chosen bits of grass and twigs selected to build their nest. One starling returned with a piece of twig held in it’s mouth which made me laugh. It was a long piece—more than 30cm/1foot long—and it was a stiff, thick, twig or piece of root. There was no way that twig was going through the tiny space under my roof tiles. The bird soon found this out. He/she pushed, turned it, pushed again, pulled it and manipulated that piece of twig for all it was worth for some considerable minutes. Then, to my surprise, something gave and that twig disappeared under the tiles. I am pretty sure that bird stuck at it and found a way for that totally inappropriate piece of wood to be used in the building of the nest. “I have made my choice and I am jolly well going to make it work whatever the case.”



Our pride can make us want to keep going because we think we will look foolish if we admit our mistake and change tack.


Worrying about looking foolish

How stubborn. I wonder if we are the same in many instances. Do you make a decision and stick at it for all you are worth even if you realise you have made a slightly wrong choice? Our pride can make us want to keep going because we think we will look foolish if we admit our mistake and change tack. In fact it is our continuing on which looks foolish. Yes if we stick at it for long enough and keep pushing we can make all manner of things work in the end—just through sheer will power—but just maybe it would have been better to begin again.

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This article © Linda Faber 2006-2009.