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Lone danger

Taking a first look at a broad subject


The company of a quiet cup of tea

I once had the opportunity to get to know a young woman who was a missionary in the Far East. She had a husband and two young children and they lived in a small community at high altitude where no westerners had been before. Once they were settled in her husband would go out and about and she would send her two children out to play for a while and would look forward to a quiet cup of tea by herself. Every time she started to make her drink one of her neighbours would turn up at the door. Would she ever get a few minutes by herself?

It took a while but eventually she discovered that in that society it was bad for anyone to be left alone and her neighbours were concerned for her. They had noticed her husband go out and her children were outside playing and she must not be left alone so one of them would oblige by going to call on her.


People who are alone are not necessarily lonely. People with company are not necessarily happy.








Christians have the added complexity of knowing that God is with them, they are not alone. It may be an easy statement to rattle off but it’s reality can be difficult to lay hold of.


How different things are in this country. I would not like to suggest that just because someone is with you you cannot be lonely, as this is far from the truth. I do wonder though, if in that Far Eastern community where people live in tiny wooden houses just about on top of one another, where they must not be alone, if loneliness is a problem.

Loneliness is a complex issue with many causes and effects. People who are alone are not necessarily lonely. People with company are not necessarily happy. Christians have the added complexity of knowing that God is with them, they are not alone, yet still their heart may not be at peace. Many times the church compounds the problem with all the activity geared to “family” where many my feel like outsiders.

Hurting hearts

Loneliness is an important issue and I would like for it to be given a greater profile. If there are any specific aspects of this issue that you would like to see covered on this site please contact me via the Home Page.

For now I want to return to that statement I made before that Christians have the added complexity of knowing that God is with them, they are not alone. It may be an easy statement to rattle off but it’s reality can be difficult to lay hold of. I cannot generalise as the causes of loneliness are so varied but let me remind you that God can meet the deepest needs of our hurting hearts. We live what we believe. This being so we must check that we believe that God can meet those needs. However long your circumstances have remained unchanged keep believing.

If you are lonely you may find some or all of the following prayer helpful.


Loving God, 

there is a loneliness in my heart and it hurts. Wherever I turn there seem to be people who are happily going about their business and I am left out. What hurts me most is…

Your Word says to ask you so I am asking, come and meet my needs. Help me to understand what action I should take if any. Help me to express my feelings and to not assume that others are too busy to make time for me. Be my companion today. Amen

(place holder)

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This article © Linda Faber 2006-2009.