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The lonely placed

Thinking about Psalm 68 v6

Psalm 68 v 6

God sets the lonely in families. New International Version

God places the solitary in families and gives the desolate a home in which to dwell. Amplified Bible

God gives the desolate a home to dwell in. Revised Standard Version

He gives the lonely a home to live in. Good News Bible

God gives the lonely a home. New Century Version









It is sometimes difficult to understand the meaning of a Bible passage when there is no English word which contains the whole breadth of meaning of the Hebrew. This short piece of Scripture contains such difficulties. You can see from the different translations above some of the choices the translators have made. The Amplified Bible has given two phrases to try to get across the whole meaning which we can pick up when we combine other translations.

1. Let’s begin our look at this verse by looking at some of the words. What overlaps are there in the meaning of the words “lonely”, “solitary”, and “desolate” used in the different translations?

2. The Hebrew word which has been translated in these three ways is “yahyid”. In other places in the Bible it is also translated as “only child”, “precious life”, and “dear and only life”. Do you think that this knowledge helps us understand the nature of the word any more?

3. The second word to look closely at is the one translated as “families” or “home”. What are the good aspects of “family” and “home” that God gives the lonely?

4. In what ways do people who are lonely receive these things? — Can you give some examples?

If you are not lonely your self (or indeed if you are,) in what ways could you be part of the family and home of the lonely in your neighbourhood/church?

Is there anyone for whom God is calling you to get along side as a Christian sister to alleviate their loneliness?

If you are lonely, do you believe God can bring a solution to this pain in your life?

Do you believe He will?

Are you ever tempted to dictate to God how He should address this issue in your life or are you willing to let Him use any method He chooses?

If you are someone who suffers from loneliness frequently perhaps you would join with me in the following prayer.

Loving Father God,

You made each one of us and you love us so very much. Your word says that you will meet all our needs and as part that we see today that You will bring pleasant relief to those who are suffering with being alone. Heavenly Father, be our comforter and our friend. Give us the strength and faith to trust you to provide for our deepest needs and not to dictate how those needs should be met. In Jesus name we ask these things. 


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