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Is worry your friend?

Then it is time to say good-bye.




All we can do is worry?

Have you made worry and anxiety your friends? There is so much going on in our own lives and in the wider world that it can be so easy to feel out of control and that there is nothing we can do about it. All we feel we can do is turn situations over and over in our minds. I know I used to worry so much about things. I even used to practice what I was going to say to people as I was worried about whether I could think of the right thing words. Yet conversations never went the way I imagined because the other person always said something different from what I thought they would. But that didn’t stop me doing the useless worry and practice!

But worrying has to stop. Why? Because these things choke the Word of God in our lives. In the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4 Jesus explains in verse 19 that the Word becomes fruitless in our lives when worry overtakes us.

“But I can’t stop worrying,” you say. Yes you can. Worrying is a choice like everything else in our lives. I choose not to worry. “I lay this care at the foot of your cross Lord Jesus.” If you are in the habit of worrying, worry will raise it’s ugly head every few seconds but just go right on back and lay it again at the foot of the cross. Before you know it a whole minute will have passed without you worrying! If it comes again, lay it again at the cross and then you will be overjoyed when not one minute but two minutes will have passed without worry bothering you. Keep up this practice and you will be on your way to that worry-free life where fruit can grow in you from the Word and not be strangled as it tries to grow.

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This article © Linda Faber 2006-2009.