Good intensions 

Looking at the purpose behind our creativity

He did not...

Isaiah ch45 v18 ...he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited.

Benefits of Creativity

Through the medium of asking you to ponder some questions I want us to investigate some of the benefits of creativity in our lives. Many people think that they are not creative - you may be one of them, but you make things everyday whether it be food and drinks, a welcoming room, writing a letter or something artistic, to name only a few things. 

Our verse says that God did not create the world intending it to be empty he had a further purpose in mind—so we are going to investigate a little about our intensions in our creativity.

Questioning ourselves

1. Do you think as a Christian that everything you do has purpose? — Does that extend to creativity?

2. Is there a difference ultimately between the purposes of what needs to be done (eg. making food) and something you do "just for fun".

3. Suppose you create something “just for the fun of doing it” in what ways do you benefit from the creative process? Think of at least three.

4. We do not know the thoughts of God but can you think of any ways these ideas (from question 3) may be similar to God’s experience of creating and in what ways are they different?

5. Do our intensions for our creative activity affect our experience of doing it?

6. Is there anything that you have become tired of doing that you could put creative thought into to make it more fun for you?

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This article © Linda Faber 2006-2009.