If only I had more money things would be different 



The truth is that more money won't change us.

"If only I had more money things would be different"

I wonder how many of us have been tempted to think or say these words. They are part of the “if only” game Satan wants us to play. “If only my circumstances were different then I would be different.”

"If only I had more money then I wouldn’t worry so much."

"If only I had more money then I would be happier."

"If only I had more money then I could be a more generous person."

"If only I had more money then I could be a better parent."

"If only I had more money then I could take better care of myself."

"If only I had more money then…"

The truth is that more money won't change us. If you are someone who hasn’t conquered worrying then you will just find something else to worry about. If you are unhappy then more money will not change the condition of your heart. If you are not a giving person, more money will not change that—and so it goes on.


Paul said in Philippians 4 v11-12NIV

“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.”

Learning the secret

An important word here is “learned”. He was not always like that but he learned it.

Here are a few ideas that might help us to learn to be more settled in how we view our money.

1. Pray about the source of your discontent.

2. Seriously think about whether you have control of your money or whether your money has control of you. Bring the question before God and ask him to show you.

3. Take stock of where your money goes. How much do you spend unnecessarily? Are there areas you can see that you could cut back in? Do you buy on impulse or do you plan your purchases?

4. Consider whether you live above your means. Is pride dictating your standard of living rather than God. Ask God to reveal what He has in mind for you.

5. If you have financial difficulties, acknowledge them and seek help. A simple leaflet or book may give you what you need but you may need to seek out a financial advisor or councillor. Don’t put it off!


The truth is that we will not be different people if only we had more money

Yes we need to get control of our financial circumstances and be good stewards of what God has given us but the truth is that we will not be different people if only we had more money.

Our joy and peace are not determined by our financial circumstances rather they are a result of our living God’s way—Joy (John 15 v11) and as a gift—peace (John 14 v27). Let’s not play Satan’s “If only” game.

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This article © Linda Faber 2006-2009.